Xinwei Shen (沈欣炜)


Ph.D., Assistant Prof. & Principle Investigator
Senior Member, IEEE
Institute for Ocean Engineering (IOE) / Tsinghua-Berkeley Shenzhen Institute (TBSI)
Tsinghua Shenzhen International Graduate School (SIGS)
Tsinghua University
[Google Scholar] [Official] [中文官网] [百度百科]

Students, Research Assistant & Postdoc (招生与博士后)
I am always looking for outstanding young talents to join my research group.

  • Currently I've been actively (co-) advising graduate students with Professors at IOE / TBSI, SIGS. Please check out the graduates’ program for master (SIGS) (2025 fall) and Ph.D (2025 fall).

  • Several Post-Doc Positions are available. The salary package is Negotiable, but defnitely >= ¥350k per year(pre-tax) including subsids from Shenzhen Goverment.

  • Some Research Assistant(RA) positions are also available. We'll provide living expenses for qualified candidates.

  • Visiting Scholars from other universities are also welcome.

Please send your CV to me if interested.

Research Interests

My research group and I mainly focus on optimization for energy systems, including following research topics:

  • Offshore Renewable Energy, e.g. offshore wind

  • Power Systems, with renewables and energy storage

  • Energy Internet, especially Integrated Energy System

Recent News


Email: xwshen AT, sxw.tbsi AT
Office Address: Tsinghua Shenzhen International Graduate School, Shenzhen, Guangdong, 518055, China